Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Dr Gallant's Recommended Books

Dr Jamie Gallant is known as a knowledge glutton. He simply cannot get enough information!
Luckily for us, he also approaches everything he reads and hears with healthy critical thinking.

I asked him to give me a list of books which he thought would appeal to most people.
The list is available using this link. Just click here to see Dr Gallant's Recommendations.

Of course these are just a few books which cover quite a few different areas which affect our health.

I've found that the best way to get a book which is targeted more closely to my own needs is to ask him just as I begin an appointment. That way he can think about it as he examines my current condition.

You can find more information on how to book an appointment at www.doctorgallant.com

As you know, I'm also a research freak, but I've learned that sometimes it is best to get customized information.

So check out Dr. Gallant's general list. Read a few books. And then, when your understanding of natural healing is ready for a new level, make an appointment to get customized reading list.

To your health!